Sponsorship Opportunities
TITLE SPONSOR - $5,000.00
The Company or individual(s) will receive eight (8) VIP tickets. Signage at the event in four (4) locations and online. All event promotional materials including flyers website, signage and Jazz program will prominently display the Company /Individual(s) as the Title Sponsor. Press Availabilities. Recognition by event speaker from podium. Opportunity for sponsor to speak at Jazz event for 2 minutes or speech can be pre-recorded message, and shared at the event, on your website & social media platforms. VIP reception includes “meet & greet” with Headliner.
Reserved seating.
GOLD SPONSOR - $2,500.00
The Company or individual(s) will receive eight (8) VIP tickets. Signage at the event in four (4) locations and online. All event promotional materials including flyers web-site signage and Jazz program will prominently
display the Company /Individual(s) as the Title Sponsor. Press Availabilities. Recognition by event speaker from podium. Opportunity for sponsor to speak at Jazz event for 30 -second speech or can be pre-recorded message, and shared at the event, on your website & social media platforms. VIP reception includes “meet & greet” with Headliner. Reserved seating.
The Company/ individual(s) will receive four (2) VIP tickets. All event promotional materials including flyers website, signage and Jazz program will prominently display the Company /Individual(s) as a Silver Sponsor at event/online. Acknowledgement from stage as a Silver Sponsor. VIP reception includes “meet & greet” with Headliner. Reserved seating.
The Company or individual(s) will receive two (2) VIP Admission tickets. All event promotional materials including flyers website signage and Jazz program will prominently display the Company /Individual(s) as a Bronze Sponsor. Preferred seating."
OTHER - The Company or individual will be prominently displayed on Program.